My First Guest Post!

As you can gather from the title, this is my first ever guest post.

Just some hobbits feeling happy.


Briana and Krysta over at Pages Unbound are hosting this amazing, fun-filled event for the next two weeks – the Tolkien Reading Event. The schedule is up here, so be sure to check that out. I’m so glad to be a part of this as you all know what a huge Tolkien fan I am. This post will tell you all about my obsession. Thanks again, Briana and Krysta, for having me over. 🙂

Every year on March 25, the anniversary of the Downfall of Sauron, the Tolkien Society hosts Tolkien Reading Day. This year’s theme is Poetry and Songs in Tolkien’s Fiction. The primary goal is to promote the reading of the works of J.R R. Tolkien! To celebrate, Pages Unbound will be hosting two weeks of Tolkien-related […]

via My Journey Through Middle-Earth (Guest Post by Nandini) — Pages Unbound

3 thoughts on “My First Guest Post!

  1. Pingback: A Lesson In Never Giving Up #MyFirstBlogPostRevisited #Kungfupanda – E. E. Rawls

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