The Mystery Blogger Award

In my Monday post I mentioned that I’ve been tagged for a number of fun challenges and awards during my absence. This is the second one, the Mystery Blogger Award. A big thank you to the most supportive blogger I know, Sara Letourneau, for the tag! You can check out her blog here. Thanks also to the creator of the tag, Okoto Enigma, who describes it as: “The Mystery Blogger Award is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion.” A nomination for such an award means so much to me! *wipes a happy tear*

As is usual in these kind of posts, it comes with its own set of rules:

  1. Display the award logo on your blog. (Done.)
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (Yup.)
  3. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link. (Check.)
  4. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  5. Answer 5 questions from the nominee.
  6. Nominate 10 – 20 bloggers.
  7. Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog.
  8. Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice, including 1 weird or funny question.
  9. Share the link to your best post.

I can sense this is going to be a long post, so fasten your seat belts for the ride, folks!

Fun Facts about Yours Truly

#1  I wanted to be a meteorologist when I grew up. I think I was around 10 years old when I built my own crude instruments to measure temperature, air pressure and humidity. I would keep a daily record of my measurements and compare with the ones in the newspaper. I don’t quite remember how I lost interest, but I eventually did. Now I have a bachelor’s degree in telecommunication engineering, so go figure!

#2 – I love watching the English Premier League (that’s football, for those of you who don’t know) and my favourite team is Manchester United. I’m unable to watch matches currently, but I still follow it closely. I was introduced to the sport and the team by my brother when I was six. He used to play a lot of FIFA then and I used to be fascinated. United is his favourite team as well.

Image result for manchester united

#3 – I’ve always wanted to learn the piano. I borrowed a neighbour’s keyboard a few years back and tried to teach myself, but I was terrible in the beginning and my mother made me give it back. However, I still dream of mastering it one day and one of the things I’d own if I made enough money would be a classic Steinway grand piano.

Now onto my favourite part of this post. Sara has provided some excellent and thought-provoking questions for me to answer.

Q1: What was the last movie you watched?

The last movie I watched in the theatres was The Beauty and the Beast live action movie, starring one my favourite actresses of all time, Emma Watson. The cast lineup and their acting was amazing, but I was a little let down by the songs. I enjoyed it nonetheless. The last movie I saw on my laptop was La La Land, I believe. I liked it, but I was a tad disappointed with the way it ended.

Q2: During what time of day (morning, afternoon, night, etc.) are you most productive?

I think I’m most productive in the evenings. Believe it or not, I write my posts and do a quick edit for typos and such right before I post. So most of my blog posts are written in the evening. I also find that my creative side is most active then. Since I’m having a spell of holidays and it is summer here, I feel lazy and sleepy in the mornings and afternoons. I don’t get much done and I reserve that time to catch up on the channels I’ve subscribed to on YouTube (here are three of my favourites) or watch TV shows.

Q3: Are you a flexible / adventurous eater? Or are you more picky / finicky and less willing to try new foods?

I’m a vegetarian, so there’s a limited number of things that I can eat. Note that I’m not a vegan and love dairy products, especially ghee, but I don’t eat eggs or any kind of meat. Even so, I’m picky and a little wary of trying new food. I don’t like okra, brinjal, bitter gourd and a few other vegetables. I rarely eat out and prefer home-cooked food. Since my grandmother stays with us and she can’t handle a lot of spice, I’m used to eating bland food these days.



Q4: What is one thing or person that you’re grateful for today?

I’m grateful for the rain that’s been pouring since I started this post (around two hours ago). Even though it’s technically summer, there have been a lot of storms lately. The mornings continue to be sweltering hot, but the rains bring the temperature right down in the evenings and the nights are cool, which is the best thing to hope for in summer.

Q5: Silly question! If you could you own any fantastical animal or creature for a pet, what would it be? Why? (Oh, and what would you name it?)

There are so many on my list, but I so badly want a pheonix! I fell in love with those creatures when I read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Dumbledore is one of my favourite characters of all time and after he described how useful they are, I wanted one for myself. I’d name her Athena because I love that name and will probably use it for my future non-magical cat. Also, if I ever get into a spot of bother, I’d love to do this:


And the people around me will be forced to admit I’ve got style. 😀

The next agenda on the list is sharing a link to my best post. I’m going to interpret it as the post I’m most proud of, and for this I’ve chosen – Unapologetically Yours.

Lastly, here are my nominees:

  1. Megan from Invisible World
  2. Faith Rivens
  3. Mez and Bri from Brewhaha Book Cafe

The questions I’d like you to answer are:

  1. What is the last book you read that you would recommend to everyone who reads?
  2. What song is stuck in your head currently?
  3. What is your most anticipated movie of 2017?
  4. What game(s) did you love to play as a child?
  5. If you were to be stuck in one city (or town or village) of your choice for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Phew! That was one huge blog post! I hope I didn’t bore you with all that information. If you’d like to do the tag, but don’t see your name in the list of nominees, consider yourself tagged from my side and do it anyway! Let me know in the comments below your answers to the questions Sara asked me. I hope you have a relaxing weekend! 🙂

3 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger Award

  1. Aww…that’s sad that your dream of playing the piano wasn’t able to happen. Maybe one day you’ll be able to pick it up again. I begged my mom for piano lessons for years. I was fifteen before I finally got them, but they didn’t last long because the person giving them got married and stopped doing them. I guess we have similar stories. 😉
    Thanks so much for nominating me! I’ll do the post as soon as I can.

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