Blogging for Beginners #5: Grow Your Audience

Hello and welcome to the last post of this blogging series! I hope you’ve been following the previous posts, especially if you’re a newbie and have found it helpful. Today I’ll be talking about something that is very relevant even to my “big” blog – how to grow your blog’s audience. Again, please note that I’m not an expert and I’m not going to be talking about SEO (because WordPress takes care of it on its own), but will provide tips based on my personal experiences that apply to WordPress users. With that little disclaimer out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff.


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Blogging for Beginners #4: Posts & Pages

I’m so glad I’m recovered enough to post this. I’m sorry for skipping on Wednesday and that pseudo-post on Monday. I was down with viral fever and it was the best I could do. I still have a headache and all the shenanigans, so let me not waste any more words on the introduction then as the title is quite clear. If you’re a beginner and find this helpful, please let me know that my hard work behind this post is paying off.


In this post, I’m going to discuss about first posts, the tools on WordPress that make writing posts easier and what kind of pages you might need. How to create posts and pages is explained step-by-step in the first link provided under Helpful Links section, in case you want to check that out first.

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Blogging for Beginners #3: Customisation

Welcome to another edition of Blogging for Beginners! From this post onward, I will focus solely on WordPress blogs. I talked about whether you should be blogging and how to select the right platform depending on the topic of your blog previously. If you decided to go with WordPress and are a bit confused as to what exactly you should be doing on here, this is the perfect post for you. I will be concentrating on getting the look and feel of your blog right (which may be something you’re struggling with even as a seasoned blogger), but I must warn you that I am no expert and if you feel like you should be focusing on content or marketing, feel free to skip this post.


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Blogging for Beginners #2: The Right Platform

Welcome back to another post in this how-to blogging series. Last week, I covered the ‘why’ and ‘what’ part (check it out here if you missed it). After taking the first step and deciding that you should have a blog, the logical next question you should ask yourself is ‘where’. This is the focus of this week’s post, where I’ll be comparing the three most popular blogging platforms that I have had personal experience with, which of those I recommend to everyone and how you can choose between them depending on your requirements. Please note that I’m not going to be talking about self-hosting.


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Blogging for Beginners #1: Should You Blog?

A lot of people have been asking me about how to blog, for general blogging tips and for my help to figure out the features of WordPress since the past year or so. While I claim to be no expert, I decided to condense my experiences into a series of five blog posts this month, very plainly titled, ‘Blogging for Beginners’.

First, I want to get some things clear before I start.

What This Series Is NOT About

  • It is not intended for those looking to establish a blog for their business, but rather for the casual blogger who wants to share his/her thoughts with the world.
  • It is not for those who want to go the self-hosted way or for those looking to make money by blogging. I’ll be talking about blogging as a hobby, and hence, want to limit it to platforms that let you start a blog for free.
  • It is a series which contains lessons from my experiences as a blogger and by no means is it an expert’s opinion. I would encourage you to research more about blogging and read tips from at least two sources before you decide to take the plunge. You can take whatever you think works for you and ignore the rest.


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