My Top Thirty-One: OST

I didn’t think I’d continue this because a list of 31 anything is going to end up being pretty huge, but I really needed to share this for a selfish reason. I’m trying to put together a playlist for writing for the first time so I’m prepared for NaNoWriMo (and so I can add another badge to my list). There are probably other people feeling the same way out there in the world. Or maybe you’re just tired of all the stupid songs on Bollywood with the godawful lyrics and are on the lookout for something better. Or maybe you didn’t know movie OSTs have great music. Whatever be the reason, I hope this post broadens your musical horizons.

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#NaNoPrep Week 4: Ready for Liftoff

This is the last post and the final Friday before November begins. I know I’m excited deep down, but panic is slowly taking over and pulling me to the dark side. I actually had no idea how to end this series and that horrible, evil thing called doubt is gnawing at me so much that I almost decided to give this post a skip. Yup, this is a bad case. Why are there no Patronus charms for keeping doubt at bay for writers? Cribbing aside, I have very little advice to offer for what I wanted to cover today. I need it as badly (even more, maybe) as you do. So, this is going to be a list pointing to prep resources I have read, liked and will implement someday. (Not entirely unoriginal though, because I can’t resist putting a few words in.)


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Vocab Wednesdays #30


The Blogger Recognition Award

This post is going to be short because I have tests this week (You know those things that creep up on you when you never really want to see them? Yeah, that kind). This post has been long overdue. I think I was nominated a month ago. (Time flies!) The special fact about this one is that I’ve been nominated by three of my blogging friends – Surabhi, Jajwalya and Sriraksha. 😀


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#NaNoPrep Week 3: Flex Your Writing Muscles

The third week flew by and the daunting task of NaNoWriMo feels ominously close now. The old NaNoWriMo groups are active again and most writers are talking about taking part in it. There’s an even bigger pool of advice this year – everyone from veterans to newbies seem to be tweeting and blogging about it. However, most of them seem to be addressing only outlining or aspects of planning. In this post, I’m going to direct you to something a lot of people tend to neglect.


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Vocab Wednesdays #29


Guest Post: Welcome to Magical Realism!

If you could somehow see me typing away at my laptop right now, you’d definitely notice a palpable excitement on my face and perhaps the hint of a smile. This is my first guest post, dear readers! It’s a big deal for me because it’s one of those things you see on really cool, successful blogs. While mine may not be cool or successful by a long shot, I’m delighted to host a published, experienced author on Pages That Rustle today.

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#NaNoPrep Week 2: Be a Plantser

The second week of October is nearing its end and the NaNoWriMo madness is gathering steam. Did you attend the live webinar yesterday? I had to miss a comfortable night’s sleep for that one. But no matter, because I woke up to a holiday, which means I can catch up on the lost hours of sleep.

You might have noticed a few changes to the site this time if you’re a veteran or get thoroughly confused if you’re new around these parts. Today I’ll be taking you through the two schools of writing – the “planner” and “pantser”. But this post will mainly focus on the best of both worlds – how to be a “plantser”.


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Vocab Wednesdays #28


My Top Ten: Movies

As I sit down to write my 100th blog post, I can’t help but look back with a smile at my blogging journey. It’s been less than a year since I started posting regularly, but lately I’ve felt less compelled to give into my laziness and miss a post, mostly because writing for this blog brings me immense joy. Perhaps it isn’t a widely successful internet phenomenon, but that has never been my aim. I’m lucky that I’ve found so many loyal readers who like the sort of things I write about. On this important milestone, I’d like to thank everyone who has ever read a post written by me and felt it was worth your time.

The previous Monday post reminded me that trying to limit my favourites to three is a very difficult task for someone like me, so I decided to do something interesting and list my favourites according to the date. This time around, I chose movies, mostly because I’ve been re-watching the series that defined my childhood. I realise that a lot of people might not like the kind of cinema that I do, and if you are one of them, I hope you will not judge me by what I love. Also, I’ll be discussing only English movies in my post because a lot of my regular readers will be able to easily identify them. That does not mean that I don’t watch/hate on regional movies. In fact, recently, I’ve watched quite a lot of good Kannada movies and really liked them (Godhi BaNNa… was amazing, in my humble opinion). Also, I do enjoy the occasional Bollywood movie, provided they’re not the usual, predictable masala kind.

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