Explanations and Goodbyes

If you had asked me a month ago if I had ever dreamt I’d be writing this post, I’d have laughed at you. Yet here I am, with a heavy heart, typing the exact words I had refused to accept. While August was more hectic than any month I’ve had before, I had several other excuses for staying away as well. The distance helped me clear things up in my mind and I had to make some tough decisions. Since I’m the kind of person that likes to do it all, I feel very guilty of leaving things out of my to-do lists completely. Here’s a breakdown of my plans for the future, written in a conversational Q&A format to make it easier for me to address everything before I take your leave.

Last Post


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Vocab Wednesdays #63

5 Ways to Make Your Daily Commute Less Tedious

It’s Monday again and I want to say that without sounding dull or predictable, but can’t seem to manage it. The truth is sitting in a bus with uncomfortable seats for hours tires me out more than anything else. I hope that isn’t the case with you, but if it is even close to how I feel about my commute, this post is definitely for you. I’ve decided that my Monday posts are going to be themed and for August, I’m going with ‘Daily Commute’ (you wouldn’t believe the sheer amount of time I dread it and actually do it).


You will find these standard ways of whiling away time everywhere – either people are glued to their screens even after spending a whole day staring at a different one or bobbing their heads to the music delivered through their earphones. Sleep is another one I chose to leave off my list simply because of how obvious it is. None of the below ways involve the stress of squinting at your phone/tablet/laptop, but rather aim to relax your mind and make your commute an interesting as well as a happy activity. All of these apply to people who use public transport or take a cab but many can be done by those who drive as well.

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The August Writing Plan

Did you get the pun in the title? It’s a poor one, but the idea of it had me smiling on a Friday morning, so I went with it anyway. I’m finally back to posting on Fridays! I hope this trend continues, but I doubt subsequent Fridays will be as free as this one seems to be. As you may know, my life has undergone a major change and July was a very average month for me in terms of blogging as I didn’t have the energy (and sometimes time) to write blog posts. My creative writing suffered more, as my Camp NaNoWriMo goal of writing 5,000 words went by unfulfilled. I couldn’t write a single word, unfortunately. Here’s to hoping August turns out to be much better writing month for me. Today’s post is broken up into three sections: the first will talk about why I write, the second focuses on what problems I’m currently facing and the third is my writing plan that I can hopefully stick to.

August Plan

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Vocab Wednesdays #62

The Inspiration Circle – July ’17

Phew! July was perhaps the most difficult month for me, with my writing energy dropping to an all-time low. I do apologise for being erratic with my blogging, but this was a huge change for me and I’m trying (somewhat successfully so far) to not feel guilty about it. I desperately need a boost of inspiration to lift me from my gloom and I’m so glad I had the foresight to make The Inspiration Circle a monthly series.


The Quote

Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about.

– Natalie Goldberg

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Vocab Wednesdays #61

The Curse of the Never-Ending To-Do List

I can’t believe I finally have the time and energy to write a post on Monday! I was going back and forth on the idea of having a post up today, but I’m glad I pushed myself. As usual, this is born out of a random idea I had at dinner. I was mildly annoyed that I had around 30+ things on my to-do list and it was already 9 PM when this realisation struck me. It was powerful enough to get me back to blogging again, so I’m not complaining. In fact, as I finish this post, I’ll be ticking one thing off that mile-long list.


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Vocab Wednesdays #60


Vocab Wednesdays #59